Somsen Family Reunion ~ Aalten, August, 1997
Stages in Building of the Old Saint Helena Church on the Markt in Aalten

Supposed situation of a simple, romanesque church.

The lowest part of the tower was built

in the eleventh century.

First enlargement of the church in Gothic style

during the last quarter of the 15th century.

Second enlargement of the church around 1500. Third enlargement of the church completed around 1550.
Third enlargement of the church completed around 1550. All drawings to the same scale telescoped into

each other on the ANWB-tablet, as it stands

outside near the tower.

For detailed study: Paula C. van der Heiden: The History of Building. Published in: J. G.

ter Horst and E. M. Smilda: Around the old Sint Helenakerk, Aalten 1986.